A good friend of mine Robert wrote an awesome post about these financial times.
Go check out his blog.
www.fataldmg.blogspot.comFor the past two summers I have been working with my dad's company as a roofer. Having completed first year of university,yesterday I drove to Scarbourough in HEAVY traffic in order to go speak personally with my boss about a summer position. Although I was fairly confident that I was going to get re-hired ,( which i did btw) on the drive home I realized how the economic recession is affecting everyone. With many companies implimenting layoffs & cutting hours, this economic turmoil whether we admit it or not has an effect on our lifestyles. The retail industry has taken a huge hit as many people simply do not have the disposible income to purchase expensive products. Having personal experience working at Holt Renfrew, I have spoken to some of my old co-workers who have been laid off due to the lay offs that the company has had to undertake.It hurts to see people with families to support who have been with the company many years being laid off.
Countless manufacturing companies including General Motors & Ford have been heavily impacted. With not enough work for the amount of labour they employ, many laid off employees have sought off to change career choices. Being 19 and making $20+ an hour over the summer, I consider myself extremely blessed to continue working and would not be one of the many people job searching under these conditions.
With Depression and constant stress from all these money woes becoming a big factor,many people are finding it hard to adjust to their new lifestyles. This past year, I have seen how short-lived financial success can become & have decided to re-structure my spending habits. I ask myself, ' How many pairs of shoes do I really need?' ' Do I really need a pair of $300 jeans? '.
In times like these, open your eyes and realize what life is all about.

Be safe.