Monday, February 16, 2009


If anyone wants to sponsor a me during these hard recession times it'd be gladly appreciated : ).
If you purchase me one of these in return you will receive.
1) The ability to pick the dogs name. (within reason)
2) Updated with monthly photos of the dog.
3)A yearly calendar with pictures of us.



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Me on the Guitar

So I have had my acoustic guitar for six months & so far can only play wonderwall...
I came across this & it pretty much describes me.

Im using this as my motivation to get off my lazy ass & get back at learning my chords.


The Office.

Quite possibly the best show on television.
If you haven't seen it, what the hell are you waiting for?



I used to love this stuff off....
I don't think I can say the same anymore.
Although it tastes great & sometimes the only thing open when it's 3am.
watch the link and you'll understand what i'm talking about.

Mcdonalds = Dirt.


On this day...

11 February 1990 may not look like a significant date too most of you, but 19 years ago today one of the worlds most famous prisoners was released from custody after 27 years.

Now i'm not talking about some loser who murdered someone, or even a crime mob boss...
I'm talking about THE MAN.
Nelson Mandela.
If you have no idea who Nelson Mandela is & what he did.. wikipedia him.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Guys Beware.

Hey guys, Valentine's Day is not the only reason to be extra nice to your girlfriends or other girls you maybe be seeing or else you might end up on this site.

This one was left for this guy

'I spent the night with this charming bloke the day before I had to go away on Christmas vacation. He sent me whiny text messages about how much he missed me for the entire two week break, and we met up as soon as I got back for what turned out to be a nightmarish date. He spent the whole time talking about his “fucked up” childhood and how his mother ran a bar inside a strip club. Trying to change the subject, I asked him what he was reading and he said he didn’t. He did me a favor by never calling me back. Phew!'

Here's the site


Print Liberation Tee.

Just came across this shirt & thought it'd was awesome due to all the recent recession talk all over the media. If you're fed up with all this and believe that no recession is going to stop you from partying & buying expensive things....this shirt is for you.
Click me for the link.


Nigger- Randall Kennedy

Since February is black history month I took the time to finish off this book.
The book is written by a Harvard Law professor & is a quick read just under 150 pages.

I highly recommend the book as it goes through an in depth analysis of the word starting with it's origin & throughout the book the author presents many current examples to clarify his points.Although the book is not very long, it does give the reader a knowledgable & up to date understanding of the word & social stigmas that are related to it.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Chris Brown a woman beater?

I'm sure everybody saw the headlines...

Rihanna Reported at L.A. Hospital; Chris Brown Charged With Making 'Criminal Threats'

that's fucked up, & nobody knows the exact truth about the situation..
but if it is actually true it'd probably be something like

Chris and Rihanna get in the car.
Rihanna : (8) Shut up and drive! (8)
Chris Brown : (8) Run it! (8)
Rihanna : Bitch, I am not walking or running when I got a car. I am calling the police. (8) SOS (8)
Chris brown : (8) Take you down (8)
Rihanna : Goes berserk , (8)Disturbia(8), (8)Disturbia(8)




Honestly, people don't do it enough.
Everyone is always so stressed out & always has something on their mind. They walk around always focusing on it which leaves their faces always clenched in thought. Ladies & gentlemen all this bad negativity will make you look old, not to mention make your life miserable. Life is the greatest gift. Many people do not appreciate how sacred live really is until they have a near death experience. Live your life to the fullest, smile it not only makes you happy, it also can cheer up others too.

it's a win/win situation.

Positivity is key. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who is always pessimistic and always feeling bad about themselves. BE HAPPY.Humans are naturally attracted to happiness.( Ever get that feeling where you see two people laughing or smiling & want to know what the fuck is so funny?).When you're happy others will want to hang out with you & you'll end up having lots of fun & meet new exciting people.

Im going to leave you guys with a quote by Tupac Shakur in his song 'smile'.

'There's gon' be some stuff you gon' see
that's gon' make it hard to smile in the future.
But through whatever you see,
through all the rain and the pain,
you gotta keep your sense of humor.
You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit.
Remember that."

In the end,
it worked for her....


It's Official, my life is complete! Blink 182 is back.

It's official ladies & gentlemen.
If you haven't already heard, Tom, Mark & Travis have re-united & will have an album out summer 09.
I've been up all night listening to them & just taking it all in.
It's great to see such close friendships re-kindled especially after travis' accident.
Alright... now it's time for me to get back to watching blink videos on youtube.

Stay Classy

The Beginning.

All great things have to start somewhere....
& everyone has a blog these days so i've decided to jump on the bandwagon. ( yes i'm a sheep )
-- I plan on making this blog great btw.
It'll mostly consist of me typing down my thoughts & ideas that i come across.
It'll also be used to document my life that i intend to write a comic book & quite possibly a movie about it.
I plan on being the next generations Harry Potter.
Should be a good time!
